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Daehang Tideland Experience

Daehang Tideland Experience CenterThis photo shows a family experiencing the tideland at the Daehang Tideland Experience Center in Daehang-ri, Byeonsan-myeon, Buan-gun.
  • Location1914, Byeonsan-ro Byeonsan-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do
  • CategoryTour/ Experience
  • Korean대항 갯벌 체험장
  • Chinese大項-體驗場
  • Nickname대항어촌계 대항 갯벌 체험장
  • FieldGeography / Human Geography
  • Contents TypePlace Name / Facility
  • Current Location1914, Byeonsan-ro Byeonsan-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do
A Tideland experiential center located in Daehang-ri, Byeonsan-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do
Since the geographical shape of the mountain in the area resembled a large crane flying high above, the town was originally called “Daehak (大鶴)”, literally a large crane. Thereafter, when people started to settle at the neck of the crane, the name was changed to “Daehang” for large neck. The Daehang Tideland Experiential Center is where visitors can safely experience the Tidelands with its high proportion of sand to mud.
The center mainly consists of Tidelands for experiencing clam-catching along, and parking is available. The Tideland experiential area, which measures 20 ha, features an open-air short-neck clam farm run by the Daehang Fishing Town Society. To protect shellfish and marine resources, only adult clams are allowed to be caught. One person can keep up to 1 kg of clams per day.
Daehang Tideland Experiential Center opened in 2015 and is operated by the Daehang Fishing Town Society.
Current Status
Daehang Tideland Experiential Center is safe and comfortable for walking with its high composition of sand to mud, and the low slope makes it ideal for an experiential program. Anyone can easily burrow for clams, razor shells, short-neck clams, conch, cone shells, whelk, etc., and hooks, hoes and baskets are provided free of charge. For the safety of visitors, safety personnel, who are constantly stationed, offer information on how to stay safe while enjoying the Tidelands. Worthwhile attractions nearby include Byeonsan Beach, the Saemangeum Seawall, and the Buan-gun Renewable Energy Theme Park, ideal for any environmental buff. Daehang Tideland Experiential Center is part of the Buan-gun Mobile Sightseeing Stamp Tour Course. Visitors can collect points and be eligible for gift-con emojis based on accumulated points.