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Memorial Stone for Go Hong-geon

이전 페이지 다음 페이지
Frontal View of Memorial Stone for Go Hong-geonA frontal view of the memorial stone erected to commemorate the heroic deeds of the Joseon dynasty military official Go Hong-geon. Situated in Cheongho-ri, Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, the head of the stone points north.
Lateral View of Memorial Stone for Go Hong-geonA lateral view of the memorial stone erected to commemorate the heroic deeds of the Joseon dynasty military official Go Hong-geon. The stone is located in Cheongho-ri, Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun.
Epitaph of Memorial Stone for Go Hong-geonThe epitaph of the memorial stone records the heroic deeds of the Joseon dynasty military official Go Hong-geon.
  • Location138, Seokbulsan-gil Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do
  • CategoryCultural Heritage / Tangible Cultural Heritage
  • Korean고홍건 신도비
  • Chinese高弘建神道碑
  • FieldHistory / Premodern
  • Contents TypeHistoric Site / Tombstone
  • Current Location138, Seokbulsan-gil Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do
A memorial stele erected in Cheongho-ri, Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do in 1668 to honor the life and achievements of Go Hong-geon, a military official of the late Joseon period.
Go Hong-geon (courtesy name: Ipbu, 1580-1655), a descendant of the Jeju Go clan, passed the state examination held in 1603 when he was 23 years old. He escorted King Injo (r. 1623-1649) to Gongju to take refuge from the Rebellion of Yi Gwal in 1624. His distinguished service during this period of turmoil led the king to grant him the position of Grand Master Gaseon and the honorary title of Lord Yeongwon. He also served as a guard of the royal carriage when the king was forced to flee the capital to Namhansanseong Fortress when Manchu forces invaded Joseon in 1636, and served as the head of the fortress’s west gate guard. In recognition of his loyal deeds during the struggle against the Manchus, Go was inscribed on the list of meritorious subjects (Hoseonggongsin) and appointed to serve as the Military Governor (Byeongma Jeoldosa) of Chungcheong-do. In the ensuing years, Go Hong-geon continued to serve in a series of government posts, such as the Chief Military Supervisor (Dochonggwan), and as a member of the Central Advisory Board (Jungchubu), until his death in 1655 at the age of 76.
Background of Construction
This stone stele was erected in memory of Go Hong-geon in 1668, some thirteen years after his death.
The memorial stele of Go Hong-geon is located in the front section of the cemetery of the Jeju Go clan at the foot of Seokbulsan Mountain (address: San 132-2 Cheongho-ri, Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do). Situated at the center of the cemetery is the grave of his father, Go Hui, who was also a meritorious subject (Hoseong Gongsin). The grave and memorial stele of Go Hong-geon are located below the grave of Go Hui.
The Memorial Stele of Go Hong-geon consists of a tortoise pedestal, a body, and a dragon capstone, all made of granite. Artistically speaking, the stele has been widely praised for the elaborate carving of the pedestal, which features a tortoise head raised toward the north and a capstone carved with dragon and cloud designs and topped with floral ornamentation. The stele has a total height of 3.3 meters, while its body is 1.6 meters tall, 0.805 meters wide and 0.26 meters thick.
유명조선국자헌대부지중추부사영원군겸오위도총부도총관고공신도비명(有明朝鮮國資憲大夫知中樞府事瀛原君兼五衛都摠府都摠管高公神道碑銘) 병서(幷序)
가선대부리조참판겸인동지경연춘추관예문관직제학성균관대사성(嘉善大夫吏曹參判兼印同知經筵春秋館藝文館直提學成均館大司成) 세자우부빈객조부양찬(世子右副賓客趙復陽讚)
가선대부병조참판(嘉善大夫兵曹參判) 이정영서(李正英書)
통정대부행(通政大夫行) 홍문관응교지제교(弘文館應敎知製敎) 겸경연시강관(兼經筵侍講官) 춘추관편수궁교서관교리한학교수려성제록공설홍건성고씨자립부기선출제주유왈적위고려감찰어사기후세세창대상계위경상증조왈세가도총부경력증공보참판조왈사렴함경남도우후증병증판서제원군고왈희호성공신영성군증호증판서비부녕금씨의복지녀영성지제성주판관증병조참의현취사의한양조필녀실생공영성무자자언공이경진칠월이십이일생유기도이범아계묘등무과계축위수문장이공신적장출륙품임술위찬주사군관유로승통정갑자역변호종공주승가선습봉위영원군을축배희천군수신미위려산영장심득사졸심질만잉가일세기군립유애비갑술배오위장병자지란호가입남한성위서문협수장장단궐부사이공위지이이자청출전유공배충청도병마절도사가계가의상환도인견세문이견지지영수습산망실심무마지신이간어중이관군정심열거후립비(春秋館編修宮校書館校理漢學敎授呂聖齊箓公說弘建姓高氏字立夫其先出濟州有曰迪爲高麗監察御史其後世世昌大相繼爲卿相曾祖曰世家都摠府經歷贈工普參判祖曰士廉咸鏡南道虞候贈兵曾判書濟原君考曰曦扈聖功臣瀛城君贈戶曾判書妣扶寧金氏義福之女瀛城之弟星州判官贈兵曹參議睍娶司議漢陽趙珌女實生公瀛城無子子焉公以庚辰七月二十二日生幼氣度異凡兒癸卯登武科癸丑爲守門將以功臣嫡長出六品壬戌爲賛晝使軍官有勞陞通政甲子逆變扈從公州陞嘉善襲封爲瀛原君乙丑拜熙川郡守辛未爲礪山營將甚得士卒心秩滿仍加一歲其軍立遺愛碑甲戌拜五衛將丙子之亂扈駕入南漢城爲西門協守將長湍闕府使以公爲之已而自請出戦有功拜忠淸道兵馬節度使加階嘉義上還都引見勢問而遣之至營收拾散亡悉心撫摩持身以簡馭衆以寛軍情甚悅去後立碑) 여려산시임오제오위도무부부총관출위서흥부사시임공광위감사성엄수재다피책벌독어공매칭장자수유과오역위지관서정해참녕국공신회맹승자헌대부무자배도총관신묘배지중추부사시추퇴귀호남지부안구거축실죽림간우유자오을미팔월이십팔일병졸년칠십륙용시년십월장우부안하서선롱지측부감지원조정견관치제(如礪山時壬午除五衛都撫府副摠管出爲瑞興府使時任公絖爲監司性嚴守宰多被責罰獨於公每稱長者雖有過誤亦爲之寬恕丁亥參寧國功臣會盟陞資憲大夫戊子拜都摠管辛卯拜知中樞府事是秋退歸湖南之扶安舊居築室竹林間優游自娛乙未八月二十八日病卒年七十六用是年十月葬于扶安下西先隴之側負坎之原朝廷遣官致祭) 여례공장신미수유려력선기사위인돈후(如禮公長身美鬚有膂力善騎射爲人敦厚) 성효우거가리직구유가관 전부인함안박씨생원홍립녀무자후부인기계유씨첨지중추부사제증녀생일남조요자족제홍선자두황두황취사인금자라녀(性孝友居家莅職俱有可觀 前夫人咸安朴氏生員弘立女無子後夫人杞溪兪氏僉知中樞府事悌曾女生一男早夭子族弟弘選子斗煌斗煌娶士人金自鑼女) 생삼남이녀(生三男二女) 수일(守一),재일(宰一),우일개유녀미자(宇一皆幼女未字) 측실자두번(侧室子斗燔) 취사인라환서녀(娶士人羅瓛庶女) 생일남삼녀장녀적리흔여유여소시문공명숙두란이유부인지명자부안주경사(生一男三女長女適李焮餘幼余少時聞公名熟斗爛以兪夫人之命自扶安走京師) 청소이기제묘도자(請所以記諸墓道者) 수위지명왈흘흘지용순순기질(遂爲之銘曰仡仡之容恂恂其質) 새저행능비유동벌(塞著行能匪惟動閥) 고작존치안거이몰(高爵尊齒安居以歿) 산지원(山之原) 기고차길(旣固且吉) 무신이월(戊申二月) 일립(日立)
The stele’s inscription, “Memorial Stele to Lord Yeongwon from the Go Clan,” is engraved in a horizontal format at the top center part of the body. The main section of the inscription, which is placed under the title, features smaller characters in regular script and contains a brief biography of Go Hong-geon. The title of the inscription, written in clerical script, is a calligraphic work by Yeo Seong-jae, while the main text was composed by Jo Bok-yang, then serving as Principal Academician (Daejehak), and handwritten by Yi Jeong-yeong, Military Affairs Minister (Byeongjo Panseo) at the time.
Current Status
The inscription on the memorial stele to Go Hong-geon contains quite a few defaced characters, while the title has been preserved in relatively good condition. Despite the defacement, most of the characters are decipherable. The cemetery of the Jeju Go clan in which the memorial stele stands is located at the foot of Seokbulsan Mountain, not far from Seokbulsan Yeongsang Land, a renowned local tourist attraction.
The stele itself is located in the front section of the Jeju Go clan cemetery, together with the graves of Go Hong-geon and his father, Go Hui, and is surrounded by thick pine woods . The monument was designated as Provincial Cultural Material of Jeollabuk-do No. 111 on April 1, 1984.